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Wasn't that hard to listen to people when they try to help, was it?


oh ya right you lock half your mods behind paywall

Tell me you don't know anything about me without telling me you don't know anything about me. Also, all of Whiskey's mods are behind paywall, it is just called "Beta Testing" so your comment is completely irrelevant anyway haha

oh ya right when your makeing payed mod  last 5 mods have been payed for real dont bs me

I have made 61 mods for FS22 (without counting the updates for them). Go find and show me my 30 paid mods... F clown...

see told ya  literly from you your self 

Modding isn't as easy as some people think. It takes a lot of time and effort to first learn and then apply the skills you learned when making mods. Modders spent hundreds of hours making mods. That's why i have those Exclusive mods. It is a way for people to support my work and get something exclusive in return. If you don't want, it is completely fine. I have plenty of free mods that you can choose from, there are also a lot of other good modders out there that you can get mods from.

If you want to support me in other way, you can do so by donating when downloading any of my free mods, or by donating directly to my PayPal -

You aren't satisfied with any of this and you want to get mods for free? I got a few solutions for you:

1. Search the exact brand/model of the mod on Google and see if any other modder has a similar mod that you can get.

2. Check any of my public mods, since some of them are similar to these ones and you can find a replacements there.

3. (The best way). Go and spent time and effort to learn modding yourself and make any mods you want for free. Best option i can give you guys. I started modding, because i wanted to have stuff, so if you want something, make the effort and do it yourself, don't rely on someones else to make it for you and give it for free. That way you can have anything you want, however you want it and whenever you want it.

More information

last 5? Yeah, you lost me there. Get your facts right, then comment. What a clown.

Nice truck model, but i think the turning radius of it its way to unrealistic.

Too tight? Or not tight enough?

Its way too sensitive, and the animation of it when turning feels weird, i cant explain why, it feels someone is turnit it wuth their hand xD

what all beds work with it

BC Buhlers bed pack

can i make edit if i give credits

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks bud! Another killer truck

EDIT:  This one isn't quite up to the standard of quality that I've come to expect from you. The turn signals are a bit wonky -- the left signal will light up both fronts, and there are no functioning signals on the back. The wheels do not follow the speed of the truck. They turn much slower than they should at speed. Finally, there are a couple of errors in my log: 

  • 2024-05-07 09:23   Load mod: FS22_FordWT9000
    2024-05-07 09:23 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/testing/FS22_FordWT9000/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua'.
  • 2024-05-07 09:36 Error: Particle system emitter mesh 'particlesGrainDoorShape' is not marked as an emitter or as a CPU Mesh.
    2024-05-07 09:36 Error: Particle system emitter cannot be initialized.  This one shows when I attempt to dump grain from the grain bed.

Rather than drag you through the mud like some, I thought I'd send you the results of my testing so it can be fixed. 

I appreciate it, apparently some things were missed in testing. I'll have to double check on the particle errors, I didn't catch that